PMR 446MHz frequencies
2024-04-08 • groveld • Tags: radio
PMR446, Private Mobile Radio in de frequentiereeks 446,000 MHz is een vrij te gebruiken frequentieband die de klassieke walkie talkie aan boord heeft. Deze vergunningsvrije portofoon kan gebruikt worden in het frequentiebereik 446,000 MHz - 446,200 MHz. Het gebruik van deze toestellen zijn vooral in europa goedgekeurd. In amerika heeft men hiervoor de LPD (433 MHz) of FRS frequentieband ter beschikking die bij ons niet is toegelaten. Deze portofoons mag u vrij gebruiken zonder een...
Understanding Group Policy Processing
2018-10-09 • groveld • Tags: Active Directory, Group Policy
Group Policy Processing: You can have local policies, site policies, domain policies, and OU policies within your domain structure. To learn how to best implement Group Policies to serve the organization, you need to understand the order in which the policies are applied.
A collection of useful .htaccess snippets
2015-09-06 • groveld • Tags: apache
Disclaimer: While dropping the snippet into an ".htaccess" file is most of the time sufficient, there are cases when certain modifications might be required. Use at your own risk.
Nginx config for www and non-www redirection
2015-01-16 • groveld • Tags: nginx
There are many ways to force Nginx to use either WWW version or non-WWW version of URLs for your site.
Give user permission to edit and add files in /var/www
2015-01-10 • groveld • Tags: linux
Tutorial showing you how to give an Ubuntu user the right to edit and add files in the /var/www folders.
Use Gitolite to Control Access to a Git Server
2015-01-09 • groveld • Tags: debian, git, gitolite, linux
Git is a great distributed version control system that can be used to keep track of changes and code for any kind of project. Sometimes, it is helpful to configure a git server to house your team’s projects.
March 29th marks this years International open Hackerspaces day
2014-03-15 • groveld • Tags: hackerspace, open house
Just like the past three years, the hackerspace community will open their doors to the public, on Saturday the 29th of March 2014.
How To Use GPG to Encrypt and Sign Messages
2014-02-15 • groveld • Tags: GPG, linux
GPG, or GNU Privacy Guard, is a public key cryptography implementation. This allows for the secure transmission of information between parties and can be used to verify that the origin of a message is genuine.
Postfix with MySQL backend and TLS
2014-02-08 • groveld • Tags: linux, mailserver, mysql, postfix
In this tutorial we’ll install a ready to use Postfix mail server with MySql backend for virtual users. Notice that this tutorial only covers installing the SMTP server (not POP3 and IMAP). Click here for a tutorial on installing Courier POP3 and IMAP services.
Clean URLs with Jekyll/Apache
2014-02-01 • groveld • Tags: apache, jekyll
Yesterday I decided to shorten and clear the urls of my posts once and for all. By clean, I mean short and simple urls without dates, categories or anything else in them, only the post slug. My definition of cleanness also includes not having a slash at the end of the urls. For example,
What it really means to Hack
2014-01-18 • groveld • Tags: hacking
I once mentioned it to a classmate that I use GNU/Linux as the only Operating System at home, and he replied in shock, “That’s used by Hackers? Right?” That is true. Almost everyone who calls himself/herself a Hacker uses it, but the fear on his face suggested that he meant to say Crackers. Noooo! Linux users aren’t Crackers. That would be similar to saying that everyone who owns a slide hammer, is a car thief!...
TeamSpeak 3 server on Debian/Ubuntu
2013-11-16 • groveld • Tags: linux, teamspeak
It has been a long time since my last post – I’m sorry for that but I didn’t have the time. Anyway I just installed TeamSpeak 3 on a Ubuntu 10.04 for a friend and want to share that info. Getting TeamSpeak running is mostly not the problem but you don’t want to start it after every boot by hand or run it as root. This Howto shows what I did. I assume that all...
OHM2013. Observe, Hack, Make
2013-06-08 • groveld • Tags: OHM2013, festival
OHM2013. Observe, Hack, Make. A five day outdoor international camping festival for hackers and makers, and those with an inquisitive mind. On 31st July 2013, 3000 of those minds will descend upon on an unassuming patch of land, at the Geestmerambacht festival grounds, 30km north of Amsterdam.